Friday, March 30, 2012

From Auntie to Grand Auntie

Wednesday was wonderful. My sisters daughter Nadja, became a mother for the first time, so my sister became a grand mother and I became a Grand Aunt.
Will it be a Great or Grand Auntie?
Hopefully I will fill those boots successfully. (but definitely with pride.)
Waiting for the little one to arrive, we all had our thoughts and prayers, emotions and questions. Then the relief that everything went well and both mom and baby are fine.

On this photo she was not even an hour old, but look at the wide awake little thing!
The baby's dad, Nadja's brother, the grand mothers, one great grand mother and me
(the grand Aunt) were all there.
We could not wait to take photos. The baby was the centre of attention!
We send photos and messages to those who could not be there and none of us could take our eyes off her. She sneezed a few time and then the hiccups started.
Eventually we had to leave to give mother and baby some space.
Congratulations to the mom and dad... Marocé is beautiful!
It still is a miracle every time a baby is born.
(I think my sister took 630 photos on her ipad.... )

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